Mon 27 Jan
Cassey Is The Best Provider In Memphis $45!702*613*6611 - 25
(Memphis, Whitehaven Brooks road Memphis tn)
~Buffy the JAMAICAN Goddess**Juicy Stallion**AmaZinG Skills**ALL RACES WELCOME!!~CHECK OUT MY VIDEO! - 20
(Memphis, INCALL)
♥ BR0WN eyed NATURAL BRUNETTE ! Ready to PLaY! = SuPER SExY! ♡ LeaVinG at 9 Tonight! - 26
•°BAD 2 THE BONE Fun-Siz€ B€@uTY °•° (65Q)* N H€€LS WIT Gre@t D€@LS °•RAVEN BubbLEBUTT - 26
Buffie → ☎901-462-1064☎ ▒▓▓ ♥"Ur dReAmM MiZtrEZ"♥▓▓▒ →→■ ⇨Out CaLl = 85→→■⇨ - 28
(Memphis, Memphis,Ark,Ms,ALL Truckers welcome)
Back in Town 🌟Star🌟 Honduran slimthick delight, Vegas vixen, Ready to Play 💦 - 22
(Germantown, Sycamore Veiw Area, Memphis)
==**== BlOnDeS -==**== AlWaYs ==**== GiVe ==**== AnD ==**== Have ==**== KiNkY ==**== FuN!! ==**== - 19
beautiful bombshell caramel beauty*** U nique *** S€XY as SH€ WANNA BE ** UP ALL Nit€ - 25
(Memphis, sycamore view,, Raleigh,Cordova, In my b)
💙Stunning Mixed Beauty💙 Pint-Size Spinner 💙 Habla Espanol💙 AVAILABLE NOW💙 CERTIFIED Provider - 21
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surrounding Areas)
Alannah's(potEentially Xx-rated) massage therapYy with Alannah - 26
(Memphis, Memphis ,Cordova ,Germantown)
♛♛ {{AVaIlABLe NoW}}♛♛ SpEaCiaLs ♛♛ Curvaceous LaTinA Beauty ♛♛ DELICIOUSLY BUILT ♛♛ 100% ME ♛ - 23
$80 JuIci§ vr FRAK ALRT Na§t¥★ ¥uMM¥ *§NoW* BuNN¥ »-★-» §PCIÅL§ dÅ¥&N;!T - - 29
(Tulsa, Incall Midtown location)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job AND WANT TO MAKE $6,000 per Week..MUST READ!!!
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
Premier Entertainment Agency is LoOkInG For Beautiful Ladies Wanting a Fantastic Opportunity! - 21
(Memphis and The MidSouth)
💝$60 HalfHour 💝Hot Sexy TRACY💝With All That💝 AZZ - 36
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND TEXAS,Big Spring,Odessa)
SEXXXXXY Latina, 8 and fully functional visiting this week - 22
(Memphis, Hosting in the Memphis area)
beautiful arab girl CaN yOu HaNdLe TWO GIRLS!! Slexy Curvy! mature Blonde - 29
(Detroit, I-94 & Merriman/ Metro Airport)
$40 NeW D!vA WARNING » So hOt U maY mElt ¤ 2girl$80 ¤ CoMe tAste this HerShey KiSs ¤¤ BBW $80hr - 30
(Macon, R!veRs!dE Dr)
Gentlemen, Vivana and her sexy friends. $100 special real photos no rush! Loni's back!! - 26
(savannah midtown)
Try 💃 me 💯 real ✈️ sexc 💃Cute 🙊enough 02 bottom 💦Big enough 👅02 top🍆👌HOT TS LEXI - 23
(Detroit, West greenfield)
*She Know What 2 Do, She Know How 2 Do It, I'll Get It Done Every Time We D0 It * (REAL PICS & TITS) - 22
(Detroit, 96 jeffries fwy/ Livernois)